For 40 years, the Arts Council has produced a multi-tiered program in York County that supports arts in education performing arts programs and student art exhibits.

The arts build bridges between cultures, attract new businesses, and promote a strong sense of community. The arts also drive economic growth. A recent study by the Arts Council and Americans for the Arts found that the arts create:
$27 million economic impact in York County
846 full-time equivalent jobs
$2,014,000 in local & state revenue


Your Support allows the Arts Council to:
program 4 galleries and 2 open air Alleys as Galleries,
offer affordably priced art classes,
produce the Blues and Jazz Festival,
bring arts programming to area schools,
present a wide-variety of non-traditional arts offerings like Old Town Gallery Crawl, Ag + Art Tour of York County, and First Fridays Rock Hill,
offer affordable artist studios in both the Center for the Arts and the Tom S. Gettys Center,
list local arts resources on our website,
and provide an online county-wide arts events calendar.
You can opt to pledge your support and pay throughout the year or make a single donation.
Did you know that by making a monthly recurring donation equal to the price of one large coffee, you are supporting free events like the First Fridays Rock Hill, Old Town Gallery Crawl, and the Ag + Art Tour of York County?
Donate to the Arts Council of York County and

Donations to the Arts Council of York County are tax-deductible to the extent the law allows.
Giving is easy! Click the Give Today button above to donate online, or download and complete the form below, and return it to:
Arts Council of York County
PO Box 2797
Rock Hill, SC 29732
Your donation supports local artists, performers, and arts organizations to make York County an arts destination!
*Please do not use this link for
Artist & Affiliate Memberships.

If your business or organization is interested in making a donation to the Arts Council's Annual Fund, please contact us directly at
(803) 328-2787 or email Melanie Cooper.
In addition to the Annual Fund that supports the Arts Council's overall efforts, there are sponsorships available for our events, including the Blues & Jazz Festival, Underexposed Film Festival yc, and the annual Juried Competition; exhibits at the Center for the Arts; and special programs and projects like First Fridays Rock Hill and our annual fundraising Gala - just to name a few.
Each and every Arts Council event and program can greatly benefit from the generosity of your sponsorship.
For information on how you or your business can become a sponsor of an upcoming event or project, please contact us at (803) 328-2787 or email us!