Artists may become members of the Arts Council of York County to take advantage of our Artist Member Benefits.
Artist Memberships are valid from July 1 - June 30, and can be renewed annually.
Artis Memberships are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Artist Memberships | $50
There are benefits to becoming an
Artist Member!
ACYC Members Show | Invitation to participate
Juried Competition | Submission discount
Dalton Gallery Call for Artists | Fees waived
Online profile page | more info
Arts Calendar | Add your arts events
Listing of special events in our weekly eNewsletter.
Details must be emailed to arts@yorkcountyarts.org
by Mondays at noon.
Contact the Arts Council for more information:

Affiliate Memberships are available to nonprofit organizations, schools, universities, and other arts and culture related businesses.
Affiliate Memberships are valid from July 1 - June 30, and can be renewed annually.
Affiliate Memberships are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Affiliate Memberships | $100
There are benefits to becoming an
Affiliate Member!
Access to FREE meeting space during regular business hours
Discount rates for meeting space after business hours
Online profile page | more info
Arts Calendar | Add your arts events
Listing of special events in our weekly eNewsletter.
Details must be emailed to arts@yorkcountyarts.org
by Mondays at noon.
Contact the Arts Council for more information