Founded in 1977, the Arts Council of York County strives to serve York County and the surrounding area.
The mission is to create arts programming that encourages education, economic development, and arts advocacy through unique art experiences that engage the community to make York County a regional arts destination. The vision is to create and support a thriving, diverse, and vibrant arts community in York County.
Centrally located in historic Old Town Rock Hill, South Carolina, the Arts Council has established an arts anchor on two blocks of Main Street. The Center for the Arts, housed in two 100-year-old buildings, is currently home to the Arts Council offices, classroom space, artist studios and three gallery spaces.
The Tom S. Gettys Center, also one of Rock Hill’s historic buildings, is home to Art on Main, the Rock Hill Pottery Center, Don't Sweat It Fest Inc., and artist studios, including Friday Arts Project.
Planning a wedding, business meeting or other special occasion? All of the Arts Council spaces are available to rent for your upcoming event. Visit our Facilities Rental page for more information.
A single, tax-deductible donation to the Arts Council supports arts education, music, theater, dance, literary arts and visual arts and assists major arts organizations. The Arts Council also serves the community through diverse arts programming throughout the year and the small grants program with awards made quarterly.
The Arts Council is committed to building York County as an arts destination. Visit our membership page or contact us at (803)328-2787 to find out how you can get involved.
Located in the first state-designated Cultural District in South Carolina.
Recipient of the Governor's Award for the Arts.

The Board of Directors and staff of the Arts Council of York County are made up by a diverse group of individuals who work in the arts or are otherwise committed to bringing the arts to the forefront in York County.
Dr. Brad Sabelli, President
Arts Advocate, Educator, Artist
Hali A. Christopher, Vice President
Westminster Catawba Christian School
Erica Smith, Immediate Past President
Rock Hill Symphony Orchestra
Jessica Little, Treasurer
Founders Federal Credit Union
Gale Y. Teaster, Secretary
Community Volunteer
Dr. Derrick Bennett
York Technical College
Susan D. Brooks
Atrium Health
Nick Cotten, Esq.
Hamilton Delleney Grier & Cotten LLC
Stephen Crotts
Independent Artist
Danielle Gerdes-DeBow
Arts Advocate
Angelo Geter
Poet, Educator, Arts Advocate
Chris Hood
Stephen Cooley Real Estate
Dr. John Jones
Rock Hill Schools
Ashley Lang
WRHI - co-host "Palmetto Mornings"
Ben Lee
Slow Play Brewing Company
Amanda P. Winters
Community Volunteer
Chris Fox
Friday Arts Project
Leslie Cooper, Ex-Officio
Ballet of York County
Stephanie Thompkins, Ex-Officio
Women's Art Initiative
Melanie Cooper
Annie Heisel
Gallery Manager
Maureen Pacheco-González
Marketing Coordinator
Barbara McDougald
Office & Facilities Manager
Brenda Floyd
Financial Consultant
Christina Melchiorre
Gallery Attendant
Bobby Plair
Blues & Jazz Festival
Festival Producer